The church office recently received a call about a 14-year-old girl in Spokane who was giving birth but was unable to keep the baby. Franklin and Morgan, who adopted less than a year ago, felt called to step up once again and say yes to adoption! Baby Magnolia was born a few weeks ago, and they joyfully welcomed her into their family. If you would like to support them, you can give financially to help with adoption-related and legal expenses.


The Bible teaches about the sacred gift of human life. We partner with local ministries that offer compassionate care: Child Bridge, Hope Pregnancy MinistriesPromise686Care Portal, and more. These organizations faithfully care for individuals in our valley. Each of these ministries works together to support life before birth, through difficult situations, through foster care, and more.


Promise686 Montana works with local churches to implement Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs), providing what vulnerable children need most: strong families. By mobilizing church volunteers to serve families in crisis, children are able to experience the care and stability they need. Approximately 2,500 Montana children in foster care stand to gain the most when local churches step up to provide support via resources, volunteers, and families. Additionally, their biological families in crisis will gain strength through relational support.


CarePortal helps to connect our church to local children and families in crisis. We are able to help at-risk families with tangible needs (buying them a bed, diapers, a water tank, a phone, etc.) More info is available online at At Easthaven, we have created an email list for anyone willing to participate. Members on the email list receive requests that are vetted and submitted by social workers to Care Portal, and can immediately take action. To join that email list, CLICK HERE.


Easthaven supports Child Bridge, a ministry that Bridges the gap between churches, communities, and government. Child Bridge finds and supports foster and adoptive families for Montana children in need. The 2nd Monday of each month, Easthaven hosts Child Bridge, a foster and adoptive support group for parents. They meet from 6:00-8:00PM and discuss various topics about foster care and adoption. Childcare is provided for the children, along with dinner for the whole family. Want to know more info? Check out



Did you know that Hope Pregnancy Ministries started at Easthaven in 1999? We support the amazing and compassionate work they are doing. Want to know more info? Check out


Easthaven often joins in the 40 Days For Life events. Find more information online:

ministries to help our community


Benevolence Funds are available to members at Easthaven when they find themselves in a tough spot. Our church family gives specifically to this fund, and we have it available if you find yourself unable to pay your bills or buy groceries.


The Shepherd Shelves food pantry is available to our church and community. If you know of a neighbor or friend who needs help to get by right now, make sure they know about the resources available in our food pantry. 

prayer and visitation teams

The Hospital and Prayer Visitation Team is an important part of our Care Ministry. This team consists of highly compassionate people who pray for and visit church members in the hospital. We are hoping to grow this team! In addition, we hope to create a team focused on visiting our church members who are homebound. We want to love our church well! If you are interested, please sign up below.


Braveheart Chaplain Ministry is committed to providing effective, relevant, and timely support services to emergency responders, their families, and citizens in crisis throughout Flathead County. Find more information online: