Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Colossians 2:6-7
Join us for a Women’s Mentoring Brunch on Saturday, January 25, at 9AM in The Hub. Enjoy a baked French toast buffet while connecting with women of all generations. This gathering is for women interested in being mentored and those considering becoming mentors. You’ll also learn about the resources available at Easthaven, how to get connected through the 6-session Heart and Home class, Flourish Circles, and one-on-one mentoring. Ladies, we’d love for you to join us and discover how you can grow and connect with a mentor!
Here at Easthaven we offer three types of mentoring for women: Heart and Home, Flourish Circles, and One-on-One. If you’d like more information on any of these please contact us at [email protected]
Heart and Home - Over six sessions, participants will engage in practical, hands-on learning of homemaking skills and devotionals based on Titus 2:3-4, with intentional conversations taking place during the sharing of a meal.
Flourish Circles - Participants gather as a small group to focus on building community by getting to know one another and offering mutual encouragement. They then turn to biblical texts for guidance and knowledge, promoting both community and literacy.
One-on-One - if you’re looking for individual mentoring, we have a list of mentors that have went through our Flourish training class and we’d love the opportunity to introduce you to one of these ladies.